Find the right Travel agent, right away

Avoid travel problems by working with a travel agent.

Did you know?

Charters and excursion companies mark up about 15 – 20% per trip because they pay themselves 10% and the travel agent 10%.

If a travel agent does not book the trip, they keep the entire 20%.

Some travelers don’t realize this and they end up paying the entire amount to the company while losing all the benefits of working with an agent.

What happens without a travel agent?

🚫 Overpriced Itineraries (Travel agents often have access to exclusive deals)

🚫 Visiting unsafe areas in your destination

🚫 Hotel Room Looks Nothing Like The Pictures

🚫 Pay booking platforms the same 10 – 20% fee as travel agents (sometimes higher) with
none of the benefits a personal travel agent offers.

🚫 Unfavorable currency rates in your destination

🚫 Poor-quality rooms

🚫 No access to exclusive deals or discounts by

🚫 Sold-out activities

🚫 Violating unfamiliar local laws and customs

🚫 Confusion and stress

How it works

Finding a good travel agent is time wasting.
With Need Travel Agent, you don’t need to rely on fancy
sales pitches.

Only the travel agents who have achieved above-benchmark
results can become official Need Travel Agent experts.

We curate the very best travel agents in the business.
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